To our renewing customers:

e will be mailing all renewal agreements and communications during the month of January 2025. If you haven't received them by the end of January, please contact the office ASAP.

We will begin providing services in 2025 as soon as the weather allows. We expect that date to be sometime around April 1. The first customers we visit in April are those who have informed us that their lawns will be ready and clear by April 1. If you have already informed us of the date of your spring cleanup, thank you; we'll be out as soon after that date as we can. If you have not yet informed us of the date your lawn is ready, please contact the office with that information.

We offer two payment options this year: (1) Prepay for the season and receive a 10% discount, or (2) pay as services are provided and, in all cases, within 10 days of the date of service. Either way, we need a payment to renew services and the due date is March 1.

  • The amount of your prepayment is shown on our agreement.
  • If you are not prepaying, the amount due is the lesser of $50 or the cost of your first application.

Please contact the office ASAP if you cannot make payment by March 1 or if you have any billing questions.

IMPORTANT: We have not increased our application prices in 2025. If you are interested in pricing for new or changed services, please contact the office. Keep in mind that we receive a great many calls, texts, and emails each day--especially in March and April--and will respond as quickly as we can and in the order requests are received.


  • The 8-step lawn fertilization program includes an extra fertilization and weed control application to address summer issues sooner so they're less likely to damage your lawn.
  • The 8-step program will reduce late SUMMER weeds that many of our customers find in the hot summer months. It will also reduce the incidence of disease (especially fungus), and fertility problems that also arise during the hot summer months and between  applications in early summer and fall.
  • The 8-step program was developed in direct response to requests from our customers who have concerns about summer weeds/disease/fertility. If you do NOT have these summer concerns, you may not want/need the additional step. However, if you are concerned about any of these issues, we recommend the 8-step program because the grandfathered 7-step program does not include an application for them.