aeration and overseeding

Aeration and overseeding: fall or spring?

We are often asked by customers if they should choose aeration and overseeding services in the fall or spring. We definitely recommend fall as the best time for these services. In fact, we feel so strongly about it, we don’t provide them in the spring! (Here is some supporting evidence!)

Why is that? you might wonder. Well…

First of all…

If you seed in the spring, we can’t apply weed control. (Weed control prevents grass seed from germinating.) And if you don’t apply weed control in the spring, especially pre-emergent crabgrass control, weeds will overrun your lawn later in the season. Furthermore, new grass doesn’t have an established root system and weeds–which grow faster than grass does–simply take over.


The harsh sun and high temperatures in summer expose new grass to conditions that are much harsher than it can handle. Typically, most lawns seeded in the spring need to be reseeded in the fall–either partially or fully!


In the fall, the warm daytime temperatures and cool evening weather is the perfect combination for promoting the growth of new grass seed in New England. These conditions allow the new seed to deepen its root system, preparing for winter and the following spring.

A few more tips…

Once your aeration and overseeding has been completed, watering is recommended. Even in circumstances of summer drought and watering bans, any moisture is helpful (such as the dew caused by overnight cooling). Be sure not to over water, though.

Another important thing to remember is ,,, don’t mow too soon! We recommend NOT mowing for at least 2 weeks, and preferably longer. The taller the new grass is when it’s first mowed, the more time it has to set its roots and the deeper they’ll grow. In addition, the taller the grass is (all the grass, not just the new grass), the more shaded and cool the soil will remain. This cooler temperature is essential for germination in this part of the country.

We offer fall aeration and overseeding to our existing customers. If you’re interested in hiring us, we’re booking these services during the month of September this year. Complete an online request form by clicking here.

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